I've been baaaaaaaaad. Haha I'm blogging about my Taiwan trip like 5 months after the trip.
The fiance is going to be in Taiwan for 2-3 weeks in July for JJ Lin concert tour and my birthday is 5th July so he's flying me over for a short/long weekend trip for 4 days! heh I'll be flying there alone and back thou, but it's not my first time flying alone much less flying to Taiwan where I've been a couple of times and I'm pretty much as familiar as a frequent tourist can be!
Absolutely confident i will not get lost. hahaha like duh it's Taipei how do you get lost there?!
Absolutely confident i will not get lost. hahaha like duh it's Taipei how do you get lost there?!
He'll be having the concert rehearsals during the afternoon so he'll spend time with me until lunch then i can go shop and havoc or whatever on my own [hehe] and he will meet me in the evening to go gai gai!
Oh so I've had many emails asking me about INO Home, B&B in Taichung that I blogged about here: http://theluckiestchick-.blogspot.sg/2013/02/taiwan-winter-2013-ino-home-cafe.html
It's best to call them to enquire about availability then they can hold the room for you immediately on the line and you don't have to go thru the hassle of paying the deposit. I realize with many TW Hotels/Minsu/B&B if you email them directly they will ask you to put a deposit but if you call. no need! Just pay on the spot when you're there.
But i always follow up with an email confirmation stating i was Ms. ___ who just called earlier and you confirmed date: _____ of stay for TWD____ in total and ask for a confirmation.
INO Home's contact no + website is at the end of the post.
Yes it's an amazing stay, food is more than awesome, great quaint little B&B.
If you're researching on planning your Taiwan trip, and how to get to Taichung, I blogged about getting there directly from Tao Yuan airport here: http://theluckiestchick-.blogspot.sg/2013/02/taiwan-winter-2013-day-1-getting-from.html
which is nearer and faster than getting to Taichung from Taipei, so maybe you can consider starting your trip from Taichung and travel down to Taipei.
I actually really regretted only staying in Taichung for 2 days, If they say the food in Taipei is good, the food in Taichung is 10X better! And i had a whole list of cute cafes i wanted to visit, so bummed that i won't be able to go to Taichung on my coming birthday trip to Taiwan too since leon has to be in Taipei. Bah!
The shopping is actually cheaper, ok not like ALOT ALOT ALOT cheaper, but if you bought something in Taichung at lets say TWD400 and you see the exact same thing in Taipei for TWD550, although not a hell-lot-of difference, but CHEAP THRILL man cheap thrill!
But anyway, we went to miyahara 宮原眼科 when we were in Taichung:

uh-uh no I'm not there to get a new pair of glasses.

miyahara 宮原眼科

It has this cool old school library retro-vibe that i absolutely adore.

They sell the BEST pineapple tarts. I like this even more than what i usually bring home from Taipei!
Can't hurt that the packaging is gorgeous! Huge hit with my family and colleagues.

I want my 喜饼[wedding cakes] to be so pretty + yummy + cool too!
Wonder if they ship to Singapore, lol BTW our wedding date is out! 18 Oct 2015 :D
I'm excited but right now I'm still sitting on it and procrastinating because now i gotta do my side of the wedding guest list because leon could re-use his sister's wedding guest list and just + or - people off the list, not fair!

After we're done getting all the Pineapple Tarts + Sun cakes.
Time to sit down for a sweet little drink! Isn't the packing of the 太阳饼[sun cakes] so pretty?!
I'm a total sucker for packaging.

★ Visit: miyahara . 宮原眼科
Must buy: Pineapple Tarts
Must buy: Pineapple Tarts

After that we went to 一中街 Yi Zhong Street to continue shopping!
It's a very large shopping area so i don't think i even covered it although we shopped there for 2 days.

Oh this delicious fried squid wasabi thing.
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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